Quality Education
New Zealand is well renowned for its high standard of education. Indeed, there are many alternative destinations you may consider for your further education. Until recently the USA and UK were the most popular choices. But times have changed; more and more people choose New Zealand for quality of education, value for money, safety, location, and environment.
In the latest Academic Rankings of World Universities, released by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, New Zealand is ranked Number One by percentage, with five of our eight universities ranked in the World Top 500.
See the article released by Education NZ.
Value for Money
There are many countries offering education for international students. However, in recent times the world has changed significantly. Discerning people are now looking outside the traditional choices of USA and UK for their education and a growing number of people throughout the world consider New Zealand a very attractive option for their educational requirements.
The NZ exchange rate together with reasonable tuition fees makes New Zealand a wise choice for education.
Excellent quality education at the lowest possible prices. DARE TO COMPARE?
New Zealand is one of the most beautiful, safe and friendliest countries in the world.
Beautiful beaches and lakes, magnificent mountain ranges and green pastures, fresh air, blue skies and clean water make New Zealand a great environment for learning and living.
NZ time zone is approximately 4 hours ahead of central Asian time, which makes it easy for international students to adjust and reasonable when communicating with home by phone or internet.
For more information on the NZ environment and climate, please go to “Useful Links’ tab above.
Safety and Security
New Zealand is ranked in the top 5 in the world for safety and in the top 20 for quality of lifestyle. The people of New Zealand are renowned globally for their friendliness and open hearts, welcoming people from other countries and always willing to help others.
ISM’s Education Partners are signatories to the “Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students” as set out by the NZ Ministry of Education. See Code of Practice.
Multi Cultural
New Zealand is a true multi-cultural society with tolerance and understanding between our many ethnic groups and cultures. With a small population of around 4 million, we are comprised predominantly of Maori, Polynesian, European and Asian peoples.
Whilst English is the spoken national language of New Zealand (Maori is also designated a national language) many other dialects are heard on the streets daily.
For many, New Zealand is the destination of choice for a balanced lifestyle and top quality education.